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Fothergilla intermedia Mount Airy

Future Forests
Fothergilla Mount Airy
With its bottle-brush flowers and brilliant autumn display, Fothergilla intermedia Mount Airy is probably the best of the hybrid fothergillas. A medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, rounded habit and average growth -rate, it’s suitable for any garden with acidic soil. The rounded, leathery leaves open blue-green, and turn brilliant red, red-orange and finally yellow in autumn, colouring best in full sun. Creamy, honey-scented, bottle-brush flowers are borne abundantly in late spring. The shape of the branches in winter is also attractive, giving year-round interest. Fothergilla Mount Airy is a reliable performer, and holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained, acidic soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Spring, summer, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: up to 6’ (1.8m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m)
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