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Salvia guaranitica Black and Bloom

Future Forests
Anise-scented Sage Black and Bloom
A handsome salvia for the back of a border in very mild areas, Salvia guaranitica Black and Bloom is a tall, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial which forms a mound of rather thick, deep green, wrinkled leaves which are scented of aniseed when crushed. From July to October, showy spikes of moody, deep violet-blue, hooded flowers emerge from black calyces, making a wonderful contrast to hot-coloured late summer perennials like dahlias, crocosmias or heleniums. The flowers are very attractive to butterflies. Anise-scented sage Black and Bloom is not fully hardy, but may come through winter in mild areas if given the protection of a warm wall and a mulch; in colder areas, it can be grown as an annual, although it won’t grow as large.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist but well-drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun or light shadeSeason of interest: Midsummer to OctoberHardiness: Half-hardyHeight: eventually 4’ (1.2m) Spread: 4’ (1.2m)