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Geranium Dragonheart (Bremdra)

Future Forests
Geranium Dragonheart (Bremdra)
A low-growing, long-flowering cranesbill with larger flowers than most, Geranium Dragonheart (AKA Bremdra) is a herbaceous perennial with a clump-forming, rambling habit. The pretty, mid-green leaves are deeply cut, and form a spreading, weed-suppressing mat which will wind its way round and even climb into neighbouring plants – beautiful round the feet of roses. From June to September, and even into October, masses of big magenta flowers with a black ‘eye’ rise on slender stems above the clump, and are good for bees and butterflies. Geranium Dragonheart is easy to grow; as with all hardy cranesbills, when the first flush of flowers is over, cut back to the base for fresh leaves and more flowers.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Early to late summerHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 20” (50cm) Spread: 31” (80cm)