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Deutzia scabra Pride of Rochester

from €5.00
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Future Forests
Deutzia Pride of Rochester Sometimes known as bridal flower, Deutzia scabra Pride of Rochester is a tall, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit and arching branches, lovely at the back of a border. The pale brown bark peels as the shrub matures, and the ovate leaves, 3”/7.5cm long, are deep green and ‘scabrous’ (fuzzy) – hence the species name. In June and July, the shrub is covered with dense, upright panicles of honey-scented flowers, with rows of white petals, tinged with pink at the base. Deutzia Pride of Rochester is notably resistant to honey fungus, rabbit-resistant, easy to grow, and very attractive to bees and other pollinators. Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Full sun; tolerates light shadeSeason of interest: June and JulyHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 10’ (3m) Spread: 6’6”’ (2m)
  • Bareroot | 1ft+
  • Bareroot | 3-4ft

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