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Iris foetidissima AGM

Future Forests
Stinking Iris, Roast Beef Plant
One of the best Irises for planting under trees where other plants might struggle, Iris foetidissima is tolerant of deep and dry shade once established. Getting its common name Stinking Iris from smelling a little like old beef, this is a glossy-leaved evergreen perennial with yellow-tinged faded purple flowers in the summer followed by striking bright orange berries in the autumn and winter. The dried seed stems are popular in flower arrangements. This is truly a beautiful low maintenance Iris, often underrated although it holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Bees like the flowers.Site: ExposedSoil: Tolerant of most well drained soil types. Thrives in chalk and limestone soilPosition: Full sun, partial shade, deep shade, tolerant of dry shadeSeason of Interest: Purple flowers in Summer, orange seed heads in Autumn-WinterHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 2.5-3ft (75cm-1m) Spread: 1.5ft (45cm)
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