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Leucanthemum vulgare
Future Forests
Ox-eye Daisy, Marguerite (Nóinín mór)
Everybody knows this native wildflower, indeed it is known to brighten up many a roadside. You may add the young leaves to your summer salads anytime from June to September, when this plant shows off its large white daisy flowers with yellow hearts, sitting on long upright stems springing from basal rosettes with dark-green, spoon-shaped leaves. A typical grassland species that will make any wildflower meadow or native planting scheme look the part.
Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Any moist but well-drainedPosition: Full sun to part shadeSeason of Interest: Perennial, large white flowers Jun-SeptHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 1.5-3ft (0.5-1m) Spread: 1.5ft (0.5m)
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