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Agapanthus Blue Umbrella
from €8.00

Future Forests
Agapanthus Blue Umbrella
A handsome agapanthus or African lily, Agapanthus Blue Umbrella is a clump-forming, evergreen perennial, flowering from mid-summer. As the strap-like, mid-green leaves are evergreen (deciduous agapanthus are hardier) the plant can suffer in cold winters, and is best planted in containers and given frost-protection in winter. In mild areas with free-draining soil it can be grown in sheltered flower beds, where it forms a weed-suppressing clump. From June to August, big, globular heads of rich, cobalt blue, tubular flowers are borne on tall, strong stems above the clump of foliage. Agapanthus Blue Umbrella looks particularly fine in a line of big, terracotta pots on a sunny terrace in larger gardens.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeFlowering period: June to AugustHardiness: Half-hardy to fairly hardyHeight: 3’ (90cm) Spread: 18” (45cm)
Pot | 2L€8.00
Pot | 3L€8.00
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