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Dierama pulcherrimum Dark Cerise-flowered

Future Forests
Angel’s Fishing Rod Dark Cerise-flowered
A really elegant perennial, Dierama pulcherrimum Dark Cerise is an evergreen, cormous, clump-forming perennial with an arching habit, which looks lovely with irises and grasses. The slender, narrow leaves are mid-green. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped and deep, plummy cerise, coming out in June to August. It’s great planted next to water, but it does need free-draining soil. Angel’s fishing rod Dark Cerise-flowered is an easy perennial, good in courtyard gardens, being rather architectural, and at the front of beds and borders, gracefully leaning over gravel yards and paths. It makes a good cut flower.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any light, moist, well-drained soil Position: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, flowers in summerHardiness: Hardy to -5 to -10ºCHeight: 30”-41” (75-105cm) Spread: 2’-35” (60-90cm) in 2-5 years