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Future Forests
Boysenberry (Rubus idaeus x Rubus ursinus)
A complex hybrid between a raspberry, a blackberry, a dewberry and a loganberry, Boysenberry (Rubus idaeus x Rubus ursinus) is a medium-sized, hybrid cane fruit, less vigorous than other cane fruit, so suitable for the smaller garden; it can even be grown in a large container. The fruit is big, almost oblong, deep purple, soft, with a complex flavour, sweet, slightly tart and aromatic, rather like a cross between raspberry and bramble jam. The canes are thornless and will need to be fan-trained on post-and-wire supports, a fence or a trellis, or vertically over an arch. The plant fruits on one year-old wood; it is best to tie the fruiting canes on one side of the support, and the younger canes bundled up on the other. In spring, the canes carry white flowers, and each flower will produce one berry. Once all the fruit is picked, cut back fruited canes to the ground and spread out and tie in this year’s canes to fruit next year. Plant bare-rooted plants in November or December, and cut back to about 9”/22cm if not already done; container plants can be planted at any time. Keep well watered.
Site: Sheltered, warm, sunny siteSoil: Fertile, light, well-drained, humus-rich, neutral to slightly acidic soilPosition: Full sunPick: AugustKeep: Does not keepHardiness: Fully hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, jam, cooking