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Azalea mollis Harvest Moon

Future Forests
Azalea Harvest Moon
One of the well-known Knaphill hybrid azaleas, Rhododendron Harvest Moon is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub of only moderate vigour with a shapely, upright, rounded habit. The leaves are grey-green, colouring well in autumn. In May, the shrub carries really beautiful, soft yellow flowers with a deeper chrome yellow to orange blotch and golden anthers; the flowers are lightly scented. Azalea Harvest Moon needs a fairly sunny position. Dead-head carefully (next year’s buds are just below this year’s flowers) to promote growth instead of seed production. Can be grown in soil-based ericaceous compost in a large container, using rain-water and ericaceous slow-release fertiliser.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fertile, moist but well-drained, humus-rich, acidic soilPosition: Full sun or very light shadeSeason of interest: Late spring and autumnHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 5’-6’ (1.5-1.8m) Spread: 5’-6’ (1.5-1.8m) after 10 years