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Agapanthus Arctic Star

Future Forests
Agapanthus Arctic Star
A superb white-flowered agapanthus or African lily, Agapanthus Arctic Star is a long-flowering, evergreen perennial, lovely ranged along the front of a border or in containers at the front of the house. Agapanthus flower best with their roots confined and do very well for years in pots.The strap-shaped leaves are grey-green, a beautiful foil for the flowers. In July and August, big round heads of pure white, tubular flowers on tall stems open from creamy-white buds, and are very attractive to pollinators. In colder areas, provide winter protection, or keep the plants in pots and bring in for the winter; remove any damaged leaves in spring. Agapanthus Arctic Star holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: June to SeptemberHardiness: Fairly hardyHeight: 32” (80cm); Spread: 20” (50cm)