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Betula pendula - Silver Birch
from €2.50

Future Forests
Silver Birch - (Beith gheal)
The familiar native silver birch, Betula pendula, is a tall, deciduous tree with an open crown and gracefully drooping branches. The bark is white, peeling off in papery patches to reveal pale salmon under-bark. Long, brownish-yellow male catkins like lamb’s tails appear in mid-spring; the upright, female flowers are bright green, darkening to deep crimson over summer and releasing tiny winged seeds over winter. The leaves are delicate and heart-shaped, doubly serrated, light green, turning butter-yellow in autumn. An invaluable part of the native ecosystem, host to many insect species and birds, its light canopy allows woodland flowers to flourish beneath. Shallow-rooting – plant away from buildings and paving. Good specimen tree, and lovely for a small grove in a large or medium-sized garden.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn, winterHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 60ft (18m) after 20 years Spread: 13ft (4m) after 20 years (Often smaller in a garden setting)
Bareroot | 2-3ft€2.50
Bareroot | 3-4ft€2.50
Bareroot | 4-5ft€2.50