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Betula albosinensis Pink Champagne

Future Forests
Chinese red-barked birch Pink Champagne
A beautiful tree for year-round colour in a medium-sized or larger garden, Betula albosinensis Pink Champagne is a slender, medium-sized, deciduous tree with an open spreading crown casting a light, dappled shade. The bark is a beautiful pale orange-pink with a white bloom, which peels to reveal a deeper pink under-bark. The pointed, ovate leaves, about 2 ½ ”/7cm long, are glossy green, turning yellow in autumn. The yellow-brown male catkins, 2”/6cm long, emerge with the leaves; unobtrusive female catkins appear at the same time. Chinese red-barked birch Pink Champagne is very good for wild-life.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 50’ (15m) Spread: 26’ (8m)
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