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Populus deltoides Purple Tower - Eastern Cottonwood
from €10.00
Future Forests
Eastern Cottonwood Purple Tower
Quite new to the market, this tall, dark, purple-leaved Poplar is a good option for medium sized gardens. It grows strictly upright and left unpruned, it might reach the size of its parent plant (up to 25m), so pruning is recommended for keeping it smaller. Pollarding is best practice to keep this plant beautiful; in early Spring, cut back last year’s growth, leaving about 10-20cm. The plant will have a much stronger root system which will result in extra large leaves (up to 20cm) on deep burgundy black canes. In Autumn, its leaves turn a gorgeous bronze-orange colour.
Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Prefers well-drained, not too dryPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Beautiful Summer leaves, Autumn colourHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 15ft (4m) Spread: 4ft (1.2m) if pollardedHeight: 60ft (18m) Spread: 10ft (3m) if left unpruned
Pot | 1L€10.00
Pot | 4L€10.00
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