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Acer pseudoplatanus Spaethii (syn. Atropurpureum)

Future Forests
Spaeth’s sycamore
A dark-leaved variant of the native sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus Spaethii is also known as Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Atropurpureum’. Like the common sycamore, Spaeth’s sycamore is a large, handsome, vigorous, deciduous tree with a rounded crown and smooth grey bark, which will thrive in almost any soil, and is highly wind-resistant; tolerant of salt winds, it is ideal for a seaside shelter belt. The large, 5-lobed leaves are beautiful, a strong green above and a velvety purplish-red on the underside, and are even lovelier in autumn, when they turn orange-red. The insignificant flowers are followed by double-winged fruit, known as samaras, which seed about freely. Be aware that the fruit and leaves are toxic to horses.
Site: Tolerates exposure, including coastal exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soilPosition: Full sun preferredHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: eventually 65-82’ (20-25m) Spread: eventually 50’ (15m)
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