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Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple
from €5.50

Future Forests
Canadian Maple
First cultivated in Europe in the 1600's, Acer rubrum is planted for its large stature, in medium to large sized gardens. Identifiable by a consistent presence of red throughout the year, it is best known for its fantastic autumn colour. Often seen in Eastern U.S. autumn scenes, its colour comes through best in rich acid soils in Europe, but does quite well on lime soils also. Also suitable for 'tapping' for maple syrup.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Well drained, some damp, prefers acid but tolerates limePosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Autumn colourHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 80+ft (25m) Spread: 50ft (16m)
Bareroot | 1-2ft€5.50
Bareroot | 2ft€5.50
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