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Picea pungens Lucky Strike

Future Forests
Colorado Spruce Lucky Strike
Also known as Johnnie’s Lucky Strike, a dwarf Colorado spruce cultivar with beautiful, young red cones, Picea pungens Lucky Strike is a small, slow-growing, evergreen tree with a dense, rather open, pyramidal habit and horizontal or upright branches. The short needles emerge bright green, turning grey-green. Colorado spruce Lucky Strike bears oblong cones which start green and upright, turn bright red, and become reddish-brown and pendulous as they mature. Easy to grow, in a city or courtyard garden. Little or no pruning is needed.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Light, moist but well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 5-8’ (1.5-2.5m) Spread: 39”-5’ (1-1.5m) in 20-50 years
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