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Apple Kerry Pippin
from €20.00

Future Forests
Apple Kerry Pippin
An Irish heritage variety of second early dessert apple, Apple ‘Kerry Pippin’ was first recorded in Kilkenny in the early 19th century and widely grown in Ireland. The fruit is small and glossy, greenish-yellow flushed orange with red specks, with crisp, sweet, yellowish flesh of delicious, rich, aromatic flavour, much liked by children. The tree is moderately vigorous and upright, easy to prune and a reliable bearer. Spur-bearer, producing the fruiting spurs freely. A healthy tree, although there is some susceptibility to scab. Fruit ready to pick mid-late August, and can be eaten from late August, keeping for about a month. Apple Kerry Pippin is a good choice for the smaller garden.
This Irish Heritage Apple variety was originally saved and propagated by Irish Seed Savers in Scarriff, County Clare.
Site: Average exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drainedPosition: Crops best in full sunPick: Late August-early SeptemberKeep: Until early OctoberHardiness: HardyPollination: Group 2 (pollinates with Groups 1, 2 and 3)Uses: Eating apple
Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks
During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.
Pot | 2L / MM106€20.00
Bareroot 1yr / MM106€20.00
Bareroot 2yr / MM106€20.00
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