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Gooseberry Black Velvet

from €6.00
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Future Forests
Gooseberry Black Velvet Actually a Gooseberry-Worcesterberry hybrid, mid-season Gooseberry Black Velvet has the huge advantage over mainstream gooseberries of being completely immune to American Gooseberry Mildew. The berries are small to medium-sized, deep purplish-red, with a very good, sweet-tart flavour somewhat reminiscent of blueberries. Can be eaten fresh when fully ripe. The bush is vigorous and upright in habit, and particularly suitable for training as a cordon. Heavy cropper, and easy to grow. Thin the fruit for larger berries. Disease-resistant and very hardy – suitable for very cold areas. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well drained soilPosition: Full sun, partial shadePick: Mid-JulyKeep: Does not keep; freezes wellHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Cooking, preserving, eating
  • Bareroot | 1yr
  • Pot | 4L

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