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Hydrangea anomala Crûg Coral - Climbing Hydrangea

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Future Forests
Climbing Hydrangea Crûg Coral An unusual and quite rare climbing hydrangea discovered at Crûg Farm Nursery in Wales, Hydrangea anomala subsp glabra Crûg Coral is a large, deciduous, woody, self-clinging climber, with delightful lacecap flowers. The ovate to elliptical leaves are luminous mid-green, an excellent foil to the flowers. These open dusky red in early summer, fading to coral-pink, then pink-flushed cream. Climbing hydrangea Crûg Coral is slow-growing to start with, but has a medium growth-rate later, clinging to a wall by aerial roots. It flowers on last year’s wood, so prune if necessary in late autumn or early spring, although this will restrict flowering. Good on a north wall, it likes its top growth in sunshine and its roots in shade. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Fertile, moist but well-drained soilPosition: Partial shade (see above)Season of interest: Spring to autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: up to 15’ (5m) Spread: 15’ (5m)

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