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Honeyberry - Lonicera caerulea Uspiech
from €6.00

Future Forests
Honeyberry Uspiech
A cultivar of Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica, Lonicera caerulea Uspiech is a medium-sized shrub with an unusual stiff, spiky habit. The small, stiff leaves are grey-green. The flowers appear in winter, and are followed in late June by cylindrical blue berries with a white, waxy bloom and a sweet, tangy flavour with no trace of astringency. Particularly good eaten fresh. The berries are rich in Vitamins C and A and anti-oxidants, and freeze well. Very cold-tolerant and easy to grow.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Almost any soil, well-drained preferredPosition: Full sunPick: Late JuneKeep: Berries do not keep, but freeze wellPollination: Needs a pollination partner of another varietyHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: to 5’ (1.5m) Spread: to 5’ (1.5m)Use: Eating fresh, cooking, preserves, juicing and wine-making
Pot | 9cm€6.00
Pot | 2L€6.00
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