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Blueberry Northland
from €12.00

Future Forests
Blueberry Northland
A compact form of blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum Northland is one of the hardiest cultivars and more tolerant of a less acid soil than some, although it does need a definitely acid soil. It’s an early to mid-season blueberry, with medium-sized, sweet, juicy berries with a good flavour reminiscent of wild bilberries. Pretty white bell-shaped blossom is borne in spring, followed by the blue-black berries with their lovely bloom, starting to ripen in late July. The bush is quite small, about 4’/1.2m, with a spreading habit, and is a reliable, heavy cropper. As a ‘half-high’ cultivar, Blueberry Northland is ideal for growing in soil-based ericaceous compost in containers, where the soil is too heavy or not sufficiently acid.
Site: Sheltered, sunny siteSoil: Fertile, fairly light, moist but well-drained, acid soilPosition: Full sunPick: From late July for several weeksKeep: A few days once ripeHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Self-fertile; may crop better with a pollination partnerUses: Eating, cooking
Pot | 2L€12.00
Pot | 4L€12.00
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