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Azara microphylla Variegata

Future Forests
Variegated Box-leaf Azara
This is a large shrub or small tree, and is suitable for the larger garden. Azara microphylla Variegata is a big, slow-growing, evergreen shrub, with small, glossy, deep green leaves, broadly edged with cream. Tiny yellow, vanilla-scented flowers appear in late winter or early spring, occasionally followed by dull orange berries. Good in a cottage or informal garden or large flower beds and borders; it can also be trained against a wall. Variegated Box-leaf Azara needs pruning (RHS Pruning Group 8, or, if wall-trained, Pruning Group 13). Propagate by semi-ripe cuttings in summer.
Site: Sheltered from cold, drying windsSoil: Any deep, fertile, moist but well-drained, or well-drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year; late winter and early spring in particularHardiness: Hardy to -5 to -10)CHeight: 13-26’ (4-8m) Spread: 8-13’ (2.5-4m) in 20-50 years