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Euonymus myrianthus

Future Forests
Many-flowered Spindle
A floriferous shrub, Euonymus myrianthus is a large, evergreen shrub with narrow, oval, dull green, leathery leaves. In summer, sprays of small, yellow-green flowers appear, followed by yellow-orange fruit. Finally the fruits split open to reveal brilliant orange-red seeds. Good in a wildlife or low maintenance garden. Pruning necessary – see RHS Pruning Group 8. Can also be used for hedging. Propagate by seed or with semi-ripe cuttings in midsummer. Wear gloves when handling.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any moist but well-drained, or well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, summer and autumn in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 13’ (4m) Spread: 13’ (4m) in 10-20 years
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