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Tulbaghia violacea Variegata

Future Forests
Variegated Society Garlic
Looking rather like a refined agapanthus, Tulbaghia violacea Variegata is a clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial. It forms a foot-high (30cm) clump of grassy leaves, blue-green edged with creamy-white, giving a bright, airy appearance. The foliage smells strongly of garlic if brushed against. In August and September, tall stems bear pretty, delicate umbels of lilac-coloured flowers, tubular, flaring to a starry mouth; they are attractive to bees. Variegated society garlic is not for cold areas, but in mild areas may survive winter if planted in the shelter of a warm wall and given a deep dry mulch. It can also be grown in pots brought into a frost-free greenhouse for the winter.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any light, well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Late summer to early autumn in particularHardiness: Half-hardyHeight: 1-2’ (30-60cm); Spread: 10” (25cm)
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