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Eucalyptus cinerea

Future Forests
Mealy Stringybark
Known in Australia as the Argyle apple because of its apple-tree shape, this is a beautiful eucalypt with persisting juvenile foliage. Eucalyptus cinerea is a tall, rather shapely, fairly fast-growing, evergreen tree with a dense crown and thick, fibrous (hence ‘stringybark’) deep grey bark with vertical furrows over a russet under-bark. The round to ovate, waxy (hence ‘mealy’) highly aromatic, silver-blue juvenile foliage clasps the stems, and is much in demand for flowering arranging and bridal bouquets. After many years, if at all, willow-like, sage-green adult foliage appears, but judicious pruning (it can be coppiced) can keep the juvenile foliage coming. Highly drought-tolerant once established, mealy stringybark needs to be watered well in its first year until it puts down a good root-system. If cut down by severe frost, it will regenerate from the lignotuber.
Site: Tolerates some exposure and salty airSoil: Light, well-drained, neutral soil; tolerates poor, stony, dry soils once establishedPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fairly hardy (to -8ºC), hardier when fully establishedHeight: up to 50’ (15m) if left unpruned
Photos by Forest and Kim Starr and licensed under CC BY 2.0.
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