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Adiantum venustum

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Future Forests
Evergreen Maidenhair Fern A beautiful fern for small, shady spaces, Adiantum venustum is an evergreen, rhizomatous fern (deciduous in cooler areas), with a spreading habit. The fan-shaped leaves sit close together on the slender, black stems, forming ovate green fronds, which can turn an attractive rusty-brown in autumn in cooler areas. Evergreen maidenhair fern dislikes hot midday and afternoon sun, so plant in a shady place, which may get morning sun. As it’s a (rather slow) spreader, propagate by division in early spring. Evergreen maidenhair fern holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soilPosition: Full shade or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year; spring to autumn in cooler areasHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 10 ½ ” (25cm) Spread: 20” (1m) in 10-20 years

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