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Choisya ternata Gold Star

Future Forests
Mexican Orange Blossom Gold Star
A hybrid, scented shrub with vivid yellow colouring, Choisya ternata Gold Star is a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. The golden emerging leaves are palmate (narrowly hand-shaped) and aromatic. Corymbs of white flowers, scented of orange blossom, appear between March and May, and again in September to October. Mexican Orange Blossom Gold Star is a worthy successor to Choisya ternata Aztec Gold, but may suffer foliage damage in very severe winters. Good in a border against a green or purple background.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Best in full sun to maintain the golden colouringSeason of interest: All year, spring and autumn in particularHardiness: Hardy (to -10º)Height: 4-6’ (1.2-1.8m) Spread: 4-6’ (1.2-1.8m)
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