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Magnolia x loebneri Merrill

Future Forests
Magnolia Merrill
An excellent, very free-flowering magnolia cultivar, Magnolia x loebneri Merrill is a small, slow-growing, deciduous tree with a compact habit; it is suitable for a smaller garden, as it reaches a height and spread of 11’6”/3.5 x 10/3m in 20 years. The oblong leaves are a glossy green. The fragrant flowers are white, with oblong tepals and the characteristic magnolia centre, and are borne in early spring, before the leaves emerge. Although it is fully – indeed, very – hardy, frosts can damage the flower buds. Mulch with well-rotted bark chips, garden compost or leaf-mould to keep moisture in the soil. It will grow in alkaline soils if reliably moist. Magnolia Merrill holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Sheltered from cold windsSoil: Moist but well-drained, preferably acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Early springHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 13-26’ (4-8m) Spread: 13-26’ (4-8m) in 50 years
Photos by Manuel M.V. and licensed under CC BY 2.0.