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Myriophyllum spicatum - Spiked Water Milfoil (Oxygenator)

Future Forests
Spiked Water Milfoil
A native submerged water plant for still or very slowly flowing water and ditches, Myriophyllum spicatum is an oxygenator and a rather fast growing water-plant that can form below-surface masses which can, in its preferred conditions, shade out the water. The attractive, submerged feathery leaves are green, in whorls round the stem, but the insignificant, dull orange-red flowers appear on short stems above the water in July and August. Spiked water milfoil prefers clear water, high light-levels and calcium-rich water. It is good for insect wildlife, but can be difficult for adult fish but it can be reduced in ponds by pulling it out when it gets overgrown.Position: Open sitePlanting depth: up to 39”/1mGrowth rate: FastFlowering period: July to AugustHardiness: Fully hardySize: 4” (10cm) Spread: 39”-5’ (1-1.5m)
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