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Honeyberry - Lonicera caerulea Sinoglaska
from €6.00

Future Forests
Honeyberry Sinoglaska
A honeysuckle with sweet, flavoursome fruit, Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica Sinoglaska is a small, fast-growing, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy, rounded habit. The ovoid leaves are sea green. Insignificant clusters of small, slightly fragrant, white flowers are borne in spring. These are followed by edible, cylindrical, sweet, blue-black fruits with a bloom, which appear in June. Water honeyberry well on planting, while establishing, and when it is coming into fruit – lack of watering causes poor berrying, and can cause aphid infestations. Prune lightly for the first three years; after that remove up to a fifth of the main stems to the base and cut back other stems to a pair of strong buds.
Site: Sheltered site.Soil: Any reasonably well drained soil, poor soilsPosition: Full sunPick: JuneKeep: A few days in the fridgeHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Two varieties of Honeyberry are needed to cross-pollinateUses: Eating, baking, preservingHeight: 5’ (1.5m) Spread: 4’ (1.2m)
Pot | 9cm€6.00
Pot | 2L€6.00