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Raspberry Twotimer Sugana Yellow - Summer & Autumn Fruiting

Future Forests
Raspberry Twotimer Sugana Yellow®
An ever-bearing raspberry which gives an autumn, then a summer crop, Rubus ideaus Twotimer Sugana Yellow ® is an upright, deciduous, rather thorny shrub with upright canes. The fruit is huge, pale yellow, conical and sweet, with an even better flavour than Twotimer Sugana Red ®, of which it’s a sport. The typical raspberry leaves are deep green, turning yellow in autumn. Pretty white flowers, attractive to pollinators, are borne in spring. Self-fertile, you will get an autumn crop on the top third of the cane, and a crop the following summer on the lower two-thirds. To prune, cut away very thick canes and weak canes to leave 5-6 canes in February to March; also prune any part of the remaining canes that has already fruited, leaving the rest of the cane to fruit in July. This is quite a small plant, ideal for the smaller garden or for large containers on a patio or terrace. Plant in soil-based, ericaceous compost.
Site: Sheltered, sunny siteSoil: Fertile, light, well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sunPick: July, and from SeptemberKeep: Does not keep, but freezes wellHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating fresh, baking
Watch a short video about Raspberry Twotimer Sugana Yellow from the plant breeder: https://youtu.be/yT3SjagONCY
Watch a short video about pruning Twotimer Sugana Raspberries: https://youtu.be/zXzFhkMSivo and here https://youtu.be/tCuFXLr9QHo
You can learn more about how to plant and care for raspberries and starting with fruit in our advice section and on our resources page.
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