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Raspberry Malling Promise - Summer Fruiting
Future Forests
Raspberry Malling Promise
Raspberry Malling Promise
A well established summer-fruiting raspberry, Rubus idaeus Malling Promise produces heavy crops of firm, rose-red fruit with a good flavour, and is one of the earliest raspberries to crop. As a summer-fruiting raspberry, the canes will need support, and pruning out of fruited canes after harvest. White, pollinator-friendly flowers and deep green leaves, pale yellow in autumn, make this an attractive raspberry, and it is a vigorous grower with spiny stems. It tolerates poorer soils than some raspberries but it’s best to dig in compost or manure to help with water-retention. Raspberry Malling Promise is notably virus-resistant.
Site: Open, but shelteredSoil: Fertile, moisture-retentive, well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sunPick: Late June – JulyKeep: Will keep for a few days; freezes wellHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating fresh, freezing and preservingHeight: 6’ (1.8m) Spread 5’ (1.5m)
You can learn more about how to plant and care for raspberries and starting with fruit in our advice section and on our resources page.
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