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Pinus x densi-thunbergii Jane Kluis

Future Forests
Japanese Red Pine Jane Kluis
A natural hybrid dwarf pine, valued for its profuse display of seed-cones and whitish buds in spring, Pinus x densi-thunbergii Jane Kluis is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an often multi-stemmed, globular habit, and a slightly flattened top. It’s ideal for evergreen structure in a smaller garden. Young bark has an attractive coppery colour, turning to greyish-brown as it ages. The stiff needles are bright-green. The flowers are insignificant, but there is a good display of cones in autumn. Japanese red pine Jane Kluis holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All year, spring and autumn in particularHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 5’ (1.5m) Spread: 5-8’ (1.5-2.5m) in 10-20 years