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Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus

Future Forests
Gladiolus byzantinus
Spikes of funnel-shaped, magenta-crimson flowers appear in late spring and early summer just in time to brighten up the garden as the tulips are fading. Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus is a wildflower from the Mediterranean and is naturalised in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles where is is known as Whisting Jack. Ideal in a mixed border or grown in a pot.Most gladioli are planted as bulbs in the spring, but these species varieties are planted in the autumn.
Site: Tolerates exposurePosition: Full sunSoil: Light, well drained soilPlanting Period: September to NovemberFlowering period: May to JulyPlanting: Depth 6” (15cm), Spacing 6” (15cm) Height: 30” (90cm)
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