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Daphne odora Perfume Princess

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Future Forests
Daphne Perfume Princess A hybrid between Daphne odora and Daphne bholua, Daphne odora Perfume Princess combines delectable scent with a compact habit and sturdy growth. It’s a small to medium-sized, almost evergreen shrub with leathery, lustrous, elliptical to lance-shaped deep green leaves. From January to March, richly scented, white to shell-pink typical daphne flowers with a pinkish centre are borne on the plant; it’s a notably long-flowering cultivar. Daphne Perfume Princess can be grown in a large container as well as in a bed or border by a warm wall, and is lovely near a door where the fragrant flowers can be appreciated in late winter and early spring; container growing is advised in colder areas. Site: Sheltered, mildSoil: Well drained, humus-rich soil, preferably slightly acidPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Midwinter to early springHardiness: Borderline hardyHeight: 4’-5’ (1.2-1.5m) Spread: 3’3” (1m)

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