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Colour work knitting for Improvers

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The Crafty Rock
Thursdays March 24th and 31st   7 - 9.30pm Valerie who makes our super collection of Bunnies and Bears is going to give this class which is best suited for those who have the basics in knitting . It will take place over two weeks so you have time to practice at home between classes. Because it's just before Easter Valerie has decided to go with  some knitted Easter eggs with different patterns using colour work. These can be made to hang on a simple Easter tree or filled with a Creme egg as a gift. Over the two weeks you should be able to complete at least two of the designs.  Cost includes materials required and refreshments. Please note a minimum of 4 people are required for this class to take place. You can book here or pay a deposit of €30 in the shop. Deposits are non-returnable in the case of cancellation unless a replacement is found.

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