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Super Chunky Knitting patterns 5755

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The Crafty Rock
This pattern contains instructions on how to knit simple hats, snoods, wristwarmers, scarf, bag and loop - everything to set you up for winter! The pattern is easy to follow and as it uses super chunky/super bulky wool and 15mm or 20mm needles it will work up quickly. We recommend using our Drops Wish or  Drops Andes wool - both luxurious wool and alpaca mix which are soft, light and warm. Both hats, the wristwarmers and reverse stocking stitch snood use just 1 ball of Andes and 2 balls of Wish  The scarf uses 3 balls of either The bag uses 2 balls of either The striped snood and loop will need one ball of each colour you choose to use- you'll probably have enough to make a hat too!

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