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Rosa Rambling Rosie

Future Forests
Rose Rambling Rosie
A hardy, repeating, rambler rose, Rosa Rambling Rosie is a deciduous rambler rose with an upright habit; it will need to be tied into a support or grown over a pergola or through a tree. The foliage is deep, glossy green. Large clusters of lightly scented, single to semi-double, bright red flowers with a white eye and golden stamens, are borne from midsummer into autumn. Give an organic feed and mulch with compost, manure or leaf-mould in late winter. Dead-head to prolong flowering, and prune after flowering. Rose Rambling Rosie holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposure Soil: Any fertile, well-drained soil, preferably moist and humus-richPosition: Full sun, open positionSeason of interest: Flowers midsummer to autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 13’ (4m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m) in 2-5 years
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