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Tulip Mamma Mia - Double

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Future Forests
Tulip Mama Mia - Double A fully double tulip with velvety, pale and deep pink flowers, Tulipa Mama Mia flowers from mid-April into May. The broad leaves are grey-green, a good foil for the flowers, and the flowers are fragrant. Tulip Mama Mia should be planted in November, to avoid the fungal disease tulip fire, but can be planted as late as Christmas. Good for bedding in borders, it can also be planted in pots, and makes a good cut flower. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, well-drained soil Position: Best in full sun; tolerates partial shadePlanting period: November to DecemberFlowering period: Mid- to late springPlanting: Depth: 6-8” (15-20cm) Spacing: 4” (10cm)Height: 16” (40cm)

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