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Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance
Future Forests
Loropetalum Fire Dance
A very ornamental cultivar of the species variant, Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance is a small, evergreen shrub with a rounded, bushy habit, ideal for a smaller, sheltered garden. The ovate leaves emerge pinky-purple, deepening to a rich plum-purple all year, although sometimes turning greener in summer. Bright pink, spidery, rather witch hazel-like flowers are borne in February and March; they have a light, sweet fragrance and are attractive to early-emerging pollinators. Loropetalum Fire Dance is one of the few evergreen, purple-leaved shrubs, and looks well with silver foliage and bright red summer flowers. It must have a warm, sheltered site – against a warm wall is ideal – and is not for colder areas.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist, well-drained soil, slightly acidic preferredPosition: Partial shade; full sun toleratedSeason of interest: All year, late winter to early spring in particularHardiness: Frost-hardy (to -5ºC)Height: 39” (1m) Spread: 39” (1m) (sometimes more)
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