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Mint, Basil Mint

Future Forests
Mentha x piperata f. citrata Basil - Basil Mint
Basil mint must be one of our favourites and how could it be otherwise - a rich scent of peppermint with undertones of Basil and much loved by pollinators - this mint just smells of summer. It's beautiful to look at with oval shiny green leaves and red stems. The small flowers are purple and appear in summer through to autumn. A great one for the kitchen garden, too - use it in tomato dishes, salads or drinks. As with all mints, this plant spreads enthusiastically, however it will also do perfectly well in containers.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist well-drainedPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Summer, edible leavesHardiness: Hardy Height: 16in (0.4m) Spread: 3ft (1m) +
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