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Prunus Snow Showers

Future Forests
Ornamental Cherry Snow Showers
A compact, weeping form of Fuji cherry, Prunus Snow Showers, also known as ‘Prunus Hillier’s Weeping’, is a very small, deciduous tree for the most confined spaces. It is perfect as a patio tree, and can be grown in a large pot or tub. Masses of pure white, single flowers cover the long, weeping branches in March and April; these are borne on new wood, allowing for hard pruning after flowering if needed. The flowers are attractive to bees, and are a good nectar source early in the year. The leaves are small and mid-green, turning to shades of burgundy, red and orange in autumn. A good choice for city gardens, as it is very tolerant of pollution.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Spring, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 10’ (3m) Spread: 10’ (3m)