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The Age of Perpetual Light, by Josh Weil

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Quay Books
Author Josh Weil brings together stories selected from a decade of work in a new collection that explores themes of progress, the pursuit of knowledge, and mankind’s eternal attempt to decrease the darkness in the world. Beginning at the dawn of the past century, in the early days of electrification, and moving into an imagined future in which the world is lit day and night, each tale in The Age of Perpetual Light follows deeply-felt characters through different eras in American history. From a Jewish dry goods peddler who falls in love with an Amish woman while showing her the wonders of an Edison Lamp, to a 1940 farmers’ uprising against the unfair practices of a power company and a Serbian immigrant teenager in 1990’s Vermont desperate to catch a glimpse of an experimental satellite, these are tales that speak to the all-too-human desire for advancement and the struggle of wounded hearts to find a salve, no matter what the cost.   “Weil showcases his narrative abilities in these offbeat and spirited stories ” - Publishers Weekly “A storyteller of the first order.” - Joshua Ferris

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