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Allium Christophii
from €3.85

Future Forests
Allium christophii - Star of Persia
Large globe shaped heads of star-like pinkish-purple flowers make a spectacular show in summer. As the grey-green strap-shaped foliage dies down, huge star-shaped, silvery-rose-violet flowers appear. These perennial bulbs are best planted in a sunny position, preferably between medium-sized herbaceous plants to mask the fading leaves in the summer months. The long-lasting 20cm flower umbels and seed heads of Allium christophii are great for floristry. Apply a layer of mulch to help the bulbs overwinter in very cold winters. Good for bees and other pollinators.Site: Requires some shelter from windPosition: Full sunSoils: Well-drained, moist or sandy soilPlanting Period: September to NovemberFlowering Period: Mid-May to JunePlanting: Depth 6” (15 cm), Spacing 8” (20 cm)Height: 20" (50 cms)
Bulbs | Pack of 6€3.85
Bulbs | Pack of 20€3.85