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Darren Almond: Index, by Darren Almond

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In 1998, while driving through France by night, Darren Almond was struck by the sight of Mont Sainte-Victoire illuminated by the moonlight. Quite by chance, he took his first ‘Full Moon’ photograph. Since then he has continued taking mystical moonlit photographs of many beautiful and desolate landscapes in every continent of the world, using long exposures to create images that uncannily replace night with day. In his work Darren Almond examines recurring themes of time in various guises: time retransmitted, distorted, delayed, real, subjective or frozen. Displays of clocks, and videos emphasising the passing of time, express the emotional impact of waiting and anticipation. Almond has filmed all around the world; in the Arctic Circle, Siberia, the holy mountains in China and at the source of the Nile. His films document human activity and daily life, in particular labour and exploitation. For Schacta (2001) Almond filmed the activities of a Kazakhstani tin mine and set them against a haunting soundtrack of a local female musician/shaman during her performance. Darren Almond, who was born 1971 in Lancashire, works in a variety of media including sculpture, film and photography. Published for Almond's solo exhibition at London's Parasol Unit, Index is a book in two parts. The first catalogues the exhibition, while the second provides a retrospective of the artist's work to date.  Published by Parasol Unit/Koenig Books in 2007. In good condition.

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