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Wild Connection: What Animal Courtship and Mating Tell Us about Human Relationships, by Jennifer L. Verdolin

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Wild Kingdom meets Sex and the City in this scientific perspective on dating and relationships. A specialist in animal behaviour compares the courtship rituals and mating behaviours of animals to their human equivalents, revealing the many and often surprising ways we are both similar to and different from other species. Wild Connection is full of fascinating and suggestive observations about animal behaviour. For example, in most species smell is an important component of determining compatibility. So are we humans doing the right thing by masking our natural scents with soaps and colognes? Royal albatrosses have a lengthy courtship period lasting several years. These birds instinctively know that casual hook-ups are not the way to find a reliable mate. And older female chimpanzees often mate with younger males. Is this the evolutionary basis of the human "cougar" phenomenon? Fun to read as well as educational, this unique take on the perennial human quest to find the ideal mate shows that we have much to learn from our cousins in the wild.

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