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Apple Orleans Reinette

Future Forests
Apple Orleans Reinette
A very old French dessert apple, Malus domestica Orleans Reinette is fairly vigorous, with an upright, spreading habit. Not a heavy cropper, it has a tendency to biennial bearing. The fruit is medium-sized, flattened in shape, yellow with a red flush and some russeting; the flesh is dense, yellow, not particularly juicy, with a sweet, complex, slightly citrus flavour, probably best in warmer areas. The fruit keeps its shape well when cooked, making it a good choice for tarts. Unusually for a late-season apple, it only keeps for two or three weeks. A spur-bearer, apple Orleans Reinette has quite a long flowering season, but two pollination partners are needed if all three trees are to bear.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well drained soilPosition: Crops best in full sunPick: Mid-OctoberKeep: October–early NovemberHardiness: HardyPollination: Triploid; Pollination Group 4Uses: Eating, cooking
Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks
During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.
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