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Balloon Berry - Rubus illecebrosus

Future Forests
Balloon Berry - Rubus illecebrosus
Also known as the strawberry-raspberry for its strawberry-like creeping habit, the Balloon Berry is a woodland plant from Japan. Unlike most Rubus species, is not a cane fruit, but a low, ground-cover perennial or sub-shrub. The berries are very large (3cm across), brilliant, shiny red, and reminiscent of mulberries in flavour; they ripen in August on the current year’s growth and are very good for preserves and cooking. The plant spreads by underground stolons, like a raspberry, and is disease-resistant and easy to grow. Attractive white flowers in summer, attracting pollinators.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Crops best in full sun, but tolerates shadePick: AugustKeep: A few days in the fridge; freezes wellHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Cooking, preservingHeight: 2’ (60cm) Spread: 2-3’ (60-90cm)
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