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Rosa persica Eye of the Tiger

Future Forests
Rose Eye of the Tiger
A persica cultivar, which gives it its deep red eye, Rosa persica Eye of the Tiger is a small, repeat-flowering, bi-coloured, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, bushy habit. The bright green, glossy leaves are notably healthy. A very free-flowering rose, it bears medium-sized, open, single to semi-double flowers, lightly scented, rich yellow with a deep red eye and golden stamens, attractive to pollinators. Rose Eye of the Tiger is a real eye-catcher, with excellent disease-resistance. It can be grown in open ground or a large container.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist but well-drained soil, preferably humus-richPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: June to OctoberHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3’ (90cm); Spread: 31” (80cm)